amfoss-tasks is administered by Akshat Tripathi. Table


Akshat Tripathi

I am Akshat Tripathi from Gorakhpur Uttar Pradesh,fresher at Amrita School of Engineering(EAC 2020)

Task List Description Status
Task-00 Installing Ubuntu Completed
Task-01 Staring amFOSS repositories Completed
Task-02 Registering nick in IRC Freenode Completed
Task-03 Programming Done Six Questions
Task-04 Debugging Debries Completed
Task-05 Rustic Scraper Not Attempted till yet
Task-06 Geddit Completed
Task-07 Ubiquitous UI Completed
Task-08 Sir Perceval's quest Completed
Task-09 Spammer_Spaghetti(Whatsapp Spammer) Completed
Task-10 CS50 Not Attempted till yet
Task-11 Poster Design Completed
Task-12 If maths was FUN:P Done(Output is fine but source limit crossed)
Task-13 Circuit Design(Arduino) Completed
Task-14 Bandit Completed
Task-15 Project Euler Completed

My views about the tasks

I myself have not completed all the tasks so i cannot directly say that they were easy but yaa they were not of that type that they would be out of the range of freshers.They were so amazing that i cannot have a particular word to describe them.They challange us to increase our knowledge that is the best part of it.The tasks are designed to cultivate the habit of self learning in which they are successful atleast in my case.

My Introduction

Hii Seniors I am Akshat Tripathi from Gorakhpur Uttar Pradesh.I came to know about amFOSS from quora since then it fascinated me. I feel the club will provide me ample opportunities to develop my skills and knowledge.I am a noob in the field of coding and I only know JAVA to an extent but after attempting the tasks I personally find a great improvement in my knowledge this is what I basically want from me that each day when I get up in the morning I find myself improved than the previous day and this is what doing the tasks i have achieved.

amfoss-tasks is administered by Akshat Tripathi.